Tuesday 3 March 2009

Ushering In The New Phase

So. This is the third blog I have started and I think that I have found what I want to say now. The previous ones have been shrouded with grief, self approval and I guess, vanity.
So this one, entitled 'Life In This Moment' is exactly that, how it is to live in the environment I do and face the things I do.
I'm young, I'm complex and I face new things every day. Some are big, some trivial. But they shape and create me and make new elements of my life, my soul and the universe come to light.

There has been a few moments in my life where I thought I would fall. I thought I would continue to fall but somehow, I didn't. So, its probable that these things will creep into this and its also probable these things are common to people that read this.
I suppose parts of me want to rant and scream and shout because ultimately I think I am more damaged that I would like to let on. Not in the sense that all I seek is approval, because I don't need approval for being me. I approve myself in all I do (trust me - self appraisal always works). Everyone has their own baggage and their own problems, but being an open person I like to talk (or write) about them.

Life is one big test. Some say its a test for the next plane of life. Believer or not, I think this life is one big test and you are the judge. The Governor and the one that decides everything.

Learning this is the hard part.

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